Firsts: You'll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar

Most of the people who will read this won't know what MtombiMzansi means. I'm from South Africa (SA), and have lived there 7 out of the 18 years of my life. My Boelang means, we shall return home as I was born in exile in the USA, where my parents left SA for, to find higher education during apartheid. We moved back to South Africa when apartheid ended, and I attended First through Seventh grade there. Before I was to enter Eighth grade (when highschool starts in SA) we moved to Austria. I've been in Austria for five year now, and while here my jingoism was truly awakened by home sickness. It's true you don't realize how special something is till it's gone, etc. That all sounds very sentimental, and in future I will do my best to refrain from such gushing.
Now in keeping with the theme of First Time, there have been alot of first times in my life. Alot of them took place my senior year. I won't go through them all, as even though this is a blog... interestingly enough they were mostly firsts I don't want publicized. Either because they are incriminating or the opposite, and by opposite I mean I probably should have had some of these firsts before this year. But I can mention first time as a senior, first time living away from home, first time applying too, getting accepted too, and choosing a college, first time having to make my bed everymorning, take 18 hour international flights by myself, etc.
This censureship has made me realize how difficult it will be for me to keep this interesting if I don't ellaborate on anything particularly juicy and personal. I mean that's what people want to read blogs for right? To hear about someone making out with a taxi driver in lieu of payment when they forgot their purse at a club, or how they kidnapped their enemy who they got drunk, lit their hair on fire and pushed down a hill in a shopping cart. Right? Well I don't usually get up to that kind of stuff, and now that I've mentioned it, it sounds like fun.
An interesting first I've had is talking people into clubs and bars. I'm now eighteen, but some of my friends aren't so some places give them trouble, however I have learnt being sweet is the key. On my eigteenth birthday (it was a no good, horrible, very bad day) I eventually chose this pretty nice club to host my birthday. I rented out a table, which I had been assured by my peers, pretty much should have guaranteed all my guests got in. The bouncer gave trouble about some of my underage guests, and rather then being sweet I went fully anal on him. Weak strategy. I got so incensed I decided that none of us would be patronizing Passage that night. Hoever, this time I effectively persuaded to the bouncer to let my friend in, but she better hurry up and turn eighteen or I won't be able to talk her in anywhere very soon (they will eventually notice the same people showing up with the same story each time). Other incidences yesterday evening include in taxi on the way to my last stop, I had the driver and my friend in stitches doing an audable parody of how one of our companions that evening danced. However I didn't get a discount for being amusing, and my laughter was more out of mortification at how I sounded. All in all a pretty good night, I've had worse, but not particularly blog worthy.
If you feel your time was watsed in reading this, find something better to do.
Don't worry Boe. I will read your blog even if it's boring (just kidding) :P Anyway, I like how you linked some of the words to Wikipedia. Smarrrt. I don't even know how to do that. I shall investiage. Whoosh!
Great job boe! I'll keep checking up on you! I'll add you to my links on my page, If you figure out how to add links to your page, maybe you can add me ? :P
btw, i didn't know you had a red card :P Tell me, when was the last time you urinated on a car?
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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