Sunday, June 04, 2006

Party Reviewed: After Grad and After Grad Part II

So we graduated yesterday (it was yesterday when I started writing this), on June 3rd. Graduation was held at Palais Festal. The venue was gorgeous, the speeches were great and everyone was proud of the honerable class. I will admit I can't really remember what was said as I was so caught up in the enormity of it all, but the guest speaker, Mr. I. Dorton, among other things entreated the Class of '06 to share the gift of the love we have recieved. He also mentioned education, internationalism, friendship and caring. But I mentioned love as our graduation song was Love Generation by Bob Sinclair. Anyway once that was all over, and the tears had been shed, the hugs and congradulations had been given, and the fact we had actuallly "done it" was sinking in, many people went to dinner with family and/or friends. After this, sometime around 23.30 the bulk of the Class of '06 arrived at Ma Pitom, a Lokal owned by Jascha's Uncle. Festivities kicked off with a round of double tequila golds, and toasts to the Class of '06. At Ma Pitom they seemed to have gotten in touch with DJ Alex for his musical recomendations (see previous entry), but as the eveing progressed so did the music (I think). We were having a hell of a good time anyway because we had just graduated. Singing along to stupid songs and dancing to them was enjoyed by many. Problems experienced at Ma Pitom started with the crowded nature that was initially experienced, but Jascha's uncle sorted that problem and we ended up with an abundance of space. People still found the need to congregate in the street whether to smoke (even though we're in Austria), cool down (the excitement was changed into thermal energy, as makes perfect sense to Biology students who have studied cellular respiration and the movement of energy in ecosystems) or to look for lost friends/family members/a better place to go. However, many props go to Jascha for hooking us up. Special guest appearences included ALOT of alumni, it was wonderful to see their support (or maybe they just felt like some kind of reunion), underclassmen, my two guests from SA and not to forget some teachers made it out.
As the evening progressed, sometime after 1.00am the next morning, those who had not left already were getting stir-crazy and wanted to move on to more energetic pastures. Two rival After Grad Part II Parties developed: Erika's vs. Jascha's. Jascha's had the advantage of him being a member of the Class of '06, and people made his basement sound attractive. However, he lost people because he took so long to leave. Erika's started when people's attentions began to wane, which made it a winner for most of the people who went. Also underclassmen would have felt more comfortable going there uninvited so the greater numbers were attractive to many seniors. I ended up at Erika's because A) Jascha's was taking too long and B) Supi and Zava were getting pissed off at my indecisiveness. The plan was to get to Jascha's once it started. I forgot my phone that evening so that never materialized. Erika's was basically in tradition of her parties. Pretty wild. Basically all the room rooms were occupied with clandestine activities. In a search for a free room for the non-clandestine activity oriented people someone ran into her dog who was locked in the basement. "Dude this dog just attacked me" the traumatized but mostly intact party-goers exclaimed. "Ya that's my dog. She's not very friendly. Stay out of there", was Erika's nonchalant reply. There was a very very dark room, which had decent music playing, but the nature of the activites therein kept me from properly exploring. The inhabitants mostly enjoyed them. Alot of the doors were locked, and when I arrived some of us began congregation in the sitting room. That was pretty chill, and I poped upstairs to stargaze on the roof terrace. When I got back more people were downstairs in preperation for leaving.
For a change (and because I don't have enough details) I asked for some comments from people on the Grad, and After Grad Parts I and II experience. Celine comments that she liked the "president's [Patrick's] speech. It ended with thank-you and good-bye. Paul was so funny, and Mr. Dorton was good too." Oliver (a member of the Class of '06) commented that he "didn't hear anything, I was just so overwhelmed by the whole thing. I really messed up on the piture we had to take on stage. It's probably a shot of the back of my head." On an after grad note, one graduating senior felt that they " wanted to go clubbing to celebrate. Not just freshmen drinking to make out, but I guess not everyone is up for clubbing." One of the juniors who was at grad and After Grads Part I and II simply remarked: "It was cool". I was also overwhelmed like Oliver said, I guess graduationg can do that too you, and a lot of people would have prefered clubbing, but it turned out pretty cool. All in all Graduation 2006 and the After Grads Part I and II were a great ending to not just this first round of my educational career but also this chapter of my life.


At 2:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.


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