Monday, March 26, 2007

How To Avoid Appearing Sketchy In An Airport*

  1. Do not approach women who appear to be traveling alone for favors in enclosed spaces that may cause them to feel cornered.
  2. Do not touch women who appear to be travelling alone as a tactic to convince them of something.
  3. Do not offer them half eaten biscuits as part of the persuassion.
  4. Do not then get offended, and go on to verbally express how you think they are being rude if they reject said biscuit.
  5. Do not then hang around and sing wierd a song about "Creeping on the down low/ Nobody would have to know" off key.
  6. A head shake or other form of rejection should be respected.

*Based on my recent experience when using free internet in a sort of booth in the Dubai Airport. A young man approached me with "Hey sista, can we share systems?", to which I replied "Do you mean you want to use my computer?". Then he basically tried to convince me to let him use the computer, and I tried to make him go away.


At 10:24 AM, Blogger Rootless mind said...

Woah. Did something happen?!Luckily I don't have that sort of experiences. I guess I'm not attractive :p Hehe. It could be a tactic, u know.


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